Recyclable steel logo
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The importance of recycling information on packaging cannot be underestimated. According to recent consumer research 57% of consumers get their recycling information from packaging – the rest from their local council, the internet and friends.
Whilst 85% of consumers say they are aware that steel cans are recyclable this does not translate into action – with only 56% of all steel cans available for recycling in Australia being recycled by consumers.
The Steel Can Recycling Council is keen to work with canmakers and brandowners to increase the use of the ‘recyclable steel’ logo on all steel packaging from dog food to aerosols and paint cans. For further help and advice with the use of the logo contact the Cansmart team on 1800 073 713 or email [email protected]

For further help and advice
with the use of the logo contact the Cansmart team
on 1800 073 713 or
email [email protected]